Finding Warmth in Community

As someone born and raised in New Mexico, I'm sharing this beautifully written email from NewMexicoWomen.Org that deeply resonated with me:

"As the chill of authoritarianism spreads across our country, we turn to the warmth of our communities and the power of our collective work for justice and healing in New Mexico. We remember our ancestors and the generations of leaders who have been here before: Indigenous communities defending the land, abolitionists dismantling the institutions of slavery and mass incarceration, women of all races fighting for the right to vote, leaders protecting LGBTQIA rights and, more recently, the water defenders at Standing Rock, the freedom fighters with Movement for Black Lives, the courageous trailblazers of #MeToo, the immigrant rights and climate justice activists.

In the face of all that is cold, heartless, and cruel, we remember not to despair— that we are many. We also remember that action absorbs anxiety.

There are many ways to take meaningful action:

Focus on the local work. Tune into what is happening at the Legislative session. NMW.O is supporting organizing and advocacy efforts that will benefit women, girls, and gender nonconforming folks in New Mexico. […]

Deepen your community relationships. Develop a pod with friends or neighbors. With all that is going on it is helpful to reflect, process, and organize in community. In the coming months, NMW.O will be hosting informal gatherings where we can connect and discuss current topics. […]

Educate yourself about and invest in local organizing, advocacy, and other groups working to protect the rights of women, girls, and gender nonconforming folks.

The cold front is moving in, and as it does, we offer warmth to each other as we keep the fires of solidarity burning. Despite forces that seek to weaken, demoralize, discourage, and divide, our work continues. We invite you to connect with our efforts and those of our community partners to find hope and strength as we face the cold and strategize for the future."

This applies to people not only in New Mexico and the U.S., but across the world.


Post-Inauguration 2025


5 Essential Equity & Inclusion Resources